
SPABundler bundles Images, Fonts, Css, Js and Html into a single html file. It is intended to optimize performance for Single Page Applications. You can integrate your minifying methods for CSS, JS, and HTML. The bundler can either return a string which can be G-Zipped and sent to client or it can save the output into a file.

-In the sample included using Ajax minifier it was able to save ~72KB.


Simple Method:

        //1. Create a bundler object
        var bundler = new Bundler();

        //2a. Get the bundled string
        var result = bundler.BundleToString(@"C:\MyWebsite\Index.html");

        //2b.Save bundled file 
        bundler.BundleToFile(@"C:\MyWebsite\Index.html", @"C:\MyWebsite\BundledIndex.html");

Advanced With Optimizers:

        //1. Create a bundler object
        var bundler = new Bundler();

        //2. Define the Optimizers in any order you like
        bundler.OptimizeHtml = (html =>
            html = Regex.Replace(html, @"// (.*?)\r?\n", "", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            html = Regex.Replace(html, @"\s*\n\s*", "\n");
            html = Regex.Replace(html, @"\s*\>\s*\<\s*", "><");
            html = Regex.Replace(html, @"<!--(?!\[)(.*?)-->", "");
            return html.Trim();
        //Ajaz Minifier or any function you like
        var minifier = new Minifier();
        bundler.OptimizeCss = (css => minifier.MinifyStyleSheet(css));

        bundler.OptimizeJs = (js => minifier.MinifyJavaScript(js));

        //3a. Get the bundled string
        var result = bundler.BundleToString(@"C:\MyWebsite\Index.html");

        //3b.Save bundled file 
        bundler.BundleToFile(@"C:\MyWebsite\Index.html", @"C:\MyWebsite\BundledIndex.html");